I’d like to publicly express my thanks to Eurosport for authorising weref.it to use the clips of the games broadcast on the player.
Articolo letto 53 volte

00:12.2 in the 4th quarter Red 87-85 White. The second free throw by 22white bounce on the ring when 8white taps the ball in the basket. Trail and centre refs grant 2pts for tie the game. The game clock starts late and stops after 2.9”. The referees stop the game and they go to the official’s table to review the play at IRS monitor. After some reviews and one minute they Continue reading Within the basket!
Articolo letto 89 volte
44blu receive the ball start the dribble (probably travel) he moves under the basket and release a shoot, 3white blocks the ball to the backboard with the left hand and touch the backboard with the right hand. Trail and centre referee call a goaltending/interference. After revision of Instant replay sysetem the crew granted two points to the blu team and reset the game clock to 00:01.2 because it didint stop when the call was made.
This is not a situation of goaltending/interference because the ball released from 44blu hands touches the ring and it is playable by any player on the court. The 3white play is legal, the basket didn’t count and a jump ball situation occurs, the possession arrow on the officials table indicate the offensive way of white team!
Articolo letto 161 volte